Month: May 2011

  • …dear the rapture…


    i cannot speak for any of the actual heathens, but i assume that the reason i’m still waiting here is that i woke up with a cold yesterday morning.  naturally, i would have thought that a cold was something that i could have left behind; however, it seems that i have been passed over due to this untimely illness.  i would like to point out that i had no influence over the fact that i caught the cold.  if i’d had the option, i would have politely passed on the whole ordeal. 

    i hope that you will be willing to take a second look at my circumstances, and perhaps make an amendment to your previous judgment call.  if you will let me know the next soonest possible departure time, i will take every precaution to make certain that i am ready for that happy occasion. 

    thank you, in advance, for your time and consideration.  i will be patiently awaiting your response.


    well, you know who

  • …instant superhero–just add cape!…

    i know it’s been forever since i was around guys.  seriously.  but i’ve been busy!  and i’m back to show you one of the things that i’ve worked on :)   so see?  we can still be friends!

    first of all, we had the most amazing dinner tonight.  it was super, super good.  a little indulgent, but fresh—so we’re not in too much trouble!  here’s our uber-quick (and obviously vegan) version of stuffed green peppers.

    green peppers, tvp, refried beans, tons of spices, and a happy helping of vegan cheese, hooray!

    lex also took a few minutes snap some shots of a refashion i finished a few weeks ago.  i didn’t get any in-process shots, unfortunately, but i’ve gotten wise on that front, and have been taken plenty of pictures along the way on my latest project!

    here’s my fun kimono top turned cape!

    this is the type of purchase you make after watching too many daytime dramas.

    i grabbed this top for 50 cents when lex and i went on our cruise last fall, because i thought it would make a really cute cover-up.  instead, it was unfortunately broad and bizarrely cropped, making it an ill fit for my hips.  i loved the fabric, but had no clue what to do with it.  i tossed it in one of my craft drawers, figuring i might turn it into something at some point.

    then, when i got my sewing machine back in march, i pulled the kimono top back out and hung it up, as you see above.  i walked past it every day, considering what it might become.

    then, one day, i put on one of my favorite cardigans and thought, “ah-hah!”  i could use that cardigan as a pattern to create the body size i wanted, then do a few modifications to create a kimono-sleeved cape!

    first, i took the sides in to match the size of the cardigan i used as a pattern

    2 3
    then i slit the front and finished the edges

    the sleeves were even bigger than this—i took them in at the top to better exaggerate the shape at the cuff

    here’s a look with the neck fastened

    look at those frogs!

    the one thing i’m super-proud of on this project is the fastener and frogs.  i snagged these vintage buttons from my ninja’s massive stash, and i gathered the bits of cotton cord from my own supplies.  i hand-coiled the frogs, pinned them in place, and stitched them on to create the designs.  you can’t really tell from the picture, but the left side has one large loop to capture the right-sided button for closure.


    i like the overall look
    i felt a lot more confident in my (limited) skills than i did on my first refashion
    the closure rocks!


    i’m a little undecided on wearing it closed, because i feel like it gives my body some odd lines
    i have no idea what to wear it with!

    i had these glorious visions of some glamorous garment coming from this.  i think the look and feel of the fabric just invaded my brain, really.  i thought it would turn out looking very 40’s hollywood…but i haven’t quite figured out what to pair it with to make a good, solid outfit.  readers, help me out!  any suggestions?